Screen Fast 2025
A few weeks back I happened upon an email from Plugged In , a Focus on the Family movie and media review website, inviting families to join "Screen Fast 2025," a week long electronics fast at the beginning of Lent. As I confessed in a recent post , I have a pretty typically American relationship to my cell phone: I am very aware of some bad habits surrounding it, but also find it both too useful and too diverting to give up. As my kids (now 11, 14, and 15) have grown and the availability of internet-connected devices has exploded, I've seen a lot of the same dysfunctional behaviors reflected in them. Unlike me, the oldest and youngest are definitely not losing any sleep about it. The middle child is far more introspective and self-aware, but she hasn't had much success at self-restriction. In other words, I was ready for a kick in the pants to try something like a "fast." The TL;DR I chose to restrict primarily screen use that I perceive as isolating as ...