Homeschooling : It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye!
Some days you have deep theological discussions during group history time, listen to the kids recite an entire chapter of Isaiah, and make real progress towards understanding the simplifying of trinomial fractions.
Some days your kids snap vilely at each other - while in the very act of Bible recitation. Some days you have a child who is utterly overwhelmed with the prospect of starting their mountain (aka 40 minutes) of independent work and instead huddles in a mini-meltdown on the couch. (Note: the fact you've acknowledged their difficulty calmly and empathetically and then told them precisely where to start is irrelevant.) Some days you spend 45 minutes searching for a missing math book with its owner is in tears and yourself dangerously close to unchecked sarcasm, only to find the book in the exact place it belongs (and the place they swore they checked 3 times), but by then it's too late because the patience is gone and you have to leave for dance in 15 minutes anyway and you suddenly realize that said child has consumed no legitimate calories all day.
Sometimes these are all the same day.
God give me strength.