Diva Challenge 304: Waybop - and Shrinky Dinks!

I was glad to see Waybop featured in this week's Diva Challenge. I was immediately drawn to this tangle when I first saw it a couple of weeks ago. You get a lot of bang for your buck, with a surprisingly simple set of steps yielding a complicated, cool-looking image.
The one thing I haven't figured out is how to make it play nicely with other tangles. I've tried a few auras, or gems in the middle of the shapes, etc, but I'm not finding it easy or instinctive on how to flow it together with other patterns. (Unlike most of you other Diva Challenge participants, I see! I am getting lots of fun ideas!)

That in mind I decided not to even try today. Instead, as I also needed to occupy my girls, I pulled out my little stock of hoarded #6 plastic takeout containers and made Shrinky Dinks!
I let Waybop play all alone on mine, with just a few jewel and seed shapes to fill in the empty space.

 Before shrinking. Image is 2 - 2.5 inches in diameter.
After shrinking. Colors are darker and more vivid. Item is about 1.25 inches in diameter - just bigger than a quarter.

For anyone who is interested in recycled Shrinky Dink projects, it is simplicity itself. Just be absolutely sure that your plastic is marked with a #6 in the recycling logo.
I like to draw the outline on one side of the plastic with a Sharpie or (better yet) a Sakura Identipen. I then flip it over and color (again with Sharpies) on the other side so there's no fear of muddling or smearing the black line.
Then you cut your image out, punch a hole if desired, and put it in the oven at 325 F for 2-3 minutes. It will curl up at first and then flatten out. Watch carefully and take it out when it goes back to flat.
That's all there is to it!


I love your bright colored Waybop.
Anonymous said…
Fun bright Waybop!
Unknown said…
Cute Waybop and great idea! Ive been wanting to try shrinky-dink with my niece but can't find supplies in my area.
Very lovely and colourful Way Bob!
Anonymous said…
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