I just want to take a moment to acknowledge a miracle - one that almost went unnoticed. We had a good day today. On a Monday filled with pouring rain, after a series of late nights over the weekend, on a day when the task list included laundry, room cleaning, and a trip to Costco with three kids and only one adult.
Oh, and a drive through flooded streets and parking lots to get to a soccer practice. Note to self: Do not drive through that kind of water again!
All of this should have - usually does - lead to melt downs among the children and a terrible attitude and loss of temper from me. But today, it didn't. Oh, there were a couple of close calls during some necessary discipline, but it didn't rub off into the rest of the day! I even willingly put up the outdoor Christmas lights with just the 6 year old to help.
In an embarrassingly uncharacteristic move this morning, I explicitly asked God to be in this day. And he was. Even though I forgot all about the request until 11 o'clock this evening. He was. Thank you, God.
A pumpkin spice latte is clearly justified after a $90 grocery shopping trip!
Oh, and a drive through flooded streets and parking lots to get to a soccer practice. Note to self: Do not drive through that kind of water again!
(The "lake" is ankle deep by the semi!
A friend who works for the city assures me that what appear to be drains placed up high and dry are actually just access to the vault for cleaning crews. He said the system was entirely overloaded.)
A friend who works for the city assures me that what appear to be drains placed up high and dry are actually just access to the vault for cleaning crews. He said the system was entirely overloaded.)
All of this should have - usually does - lead to melt downs among the children and a terrible attitude and loss of temper from me. But today, it didn't. Oh, there were a couple of close calls during some necessary discipline, but it didn't rub off into the rest of the day! I even willingly put up the outdoor Christmas lights with just the 6 year old to help.
If you squint real good you can sorta see the puny little lights under the eaves.
Thanks to the previous owner, BTW, for the little clips still mostly in place down there.
Saved me Loads of time and fuss!