Heart Bracelet

Make a heart friendship bracelet!

2 colors of embroidery floss, 10-12 feet of each color
Clipboard, tape, or safety pin to attach your work

Cut four approx. 24 to 36 inch strands each of your two colors (24 inches will make a small bracelet) 
Tie a knot in your work about 3 inches from the top. This is where you will begin. 
Lay your strands out with the colors in this order: 
Lay out your colors c1, c2, c1, c2, c2, c1, c2, c1

The heart bracelet is made of two different rows each repeated two times which we will call the Chevron row and the Reverse Row. 
In each row you tie a set of knots with the left 4 strands, and then repeat those knots in reverse using the right 4 strands. Pretend there is a mirror between strands 4 and 5. 
Only two different knots are used: the forward knot and the backwards knot. The strands form the shape of a "4" in the forward knot, and the shape of a backwards "4" in the backwards knot.
Forward Knot: with tension on the inactive (orange) strand, form a "4" with the active strand, and tuck its end under the inactive (orange) strand. Tie knot.

Backwards knot: with tension on the inactive (orange) strand, form a backwards "4" with the active strand, and tuck its end under the inactive (orange) strand. Tie knot.

Chevron Row
forward knot 1 over 2, 2x
forward knot 1 over 3, 2x
forward knot 1 over 4, 2x

backwards knot 8 over 7, 2x
backwards knot 8 over 6, 2x
backwards knot 8 over 5, 2x
backwards knot 8 over 4, 2x

* note that the active strand travels from left to right in the first three steps, and right to left in the last four steps. Numbering is reset at the end of each row, however - not as you move along.

Reverse Row
backwards knot 2 over 1, 2x
forward knot 1 over 3, 2x
forward knot 1 over 4, 2x

forward knot 7 over 8, 2x
backwards knot 8 over 6, 2x
backwards knot 8 over 5, 2x
backwards knot 8 over 4, 2x

*again, the active strands travel during this row. Numbering, however, is reset After the end of the row.

Perform 2 Chevron rows followed by 2 Reverse rows. This forms a single heart motif. Repeat until bracelet reaches desired length


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