Diva Challenge #190

This week's challenge from The Diva is to use pink on our tiles in honor of breast cancer victims, either specific or in general. There probably aren't many who's lives have not been touched by this disease: while I have very thankfully not lost a relative, my cousins lost an aunt about five years ago. My own grandmother was a survivor until her death from heart disease 10 or 15 years later. It's a nasty one.
That said, I consciously abstained from making my tile entirely pink or incorporating the ribbon shape that's become practically eponymous with the disease. Perhaps it's because I really haven't been up close and personal with cancer of any sort, or maybe it's because I had at the back of my head sort of sensed some of the frustrations with "pinkwashing" I later saw eloquently put to words here. Or, maybe it's just 'cause I'm not all that fond of pink! :-D
Anyway, here it is. A bed of Lanie - which I used a couple of weeks ago, but not nearly so well as here - with a curly bracket feather that my husband put into my head looked more like a fern, so I went ahead and highlighted it with a green metallic gelly roll pen.

When I stopped working on this one after the Lanie was (finally) done, I fully intended to come back the next morning and put something in the white space above the fern. However, after sleeping on it, I realized that I was probably not going to improve upon it by adding anything up there. So there's quite a lot more empty area than I am used to leaving - but I think the balance is right.

It's all on a 4 inch bar coaster in the traditional micron and graphite combo with the pink metallic highlight from an off-brand Sharpie analog.


The balance is perfect here, a good decision to leave this open spot!!!
Duchess said…
Enjoyed your link on pinkwashing. I like the white space above your fern. Sometimes less is more.
Nata said…
Very elegant tile. I like a lot of white most of the time.

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