Diva Challenge #181: Water

So, early this summer I discovered this thing called Zentangle©
More on that later. 'Cause I have thoughts. Lots of thoughts! But for now, dinner is waiting and I want to post my response to The Diva's water challenge.
This is on a classic 3.5 inch tile. I used a Micron 05, B and 7B pencils, and colored with an Inktense pencil (dry) and a little highlighting from a gelly roll glitter pen.  The tangles are Tropicana, Hairy, and N'Zepple. I had quite a bit of fun working on this one - even if the baby did use my inattention as opportunity to empty out most of the Tupperware drawer!


bmlilith60 said…
Thank goodness it was just the Tupperware.
Unknown said…
Simple and wonderful!!!!
Tangle Bright said…
I really like your tile and your patterns look great together!

Happy tangling,
Anonymous said…
Great tile, and I always love to see what people do with the tangle tropicana! I love how you filled the arches and your waves are so well done.
TarkheenaCrafts said…
Art Lady Kate, I definitely laughed when I first came across the step-out for "Tropicana" because I immediately got the reference: I'd played around with drawing that orange juice lid just days before! :)
Anoeska said…
Great tile! I love your use of color in this one, it really pops of the tile!
Beautiful, love Hairy texture over your architectural patterns; NZeppel,and Tropicana. Makes me want to try these lovely tangles.
Very lovely tile! Great choice of tangles!
HeidiSue said…
This reminds me of one of my favorite lines of poetry, from the book of Psalms:

There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God...

It does look like a bubbly stream rippling through a glorious city square! so refreshing, I can almost hear the water babbling.
TarkheenaCrafts said…
Thank you for that verse, Heidi Sue. I love to add scripture to my tangles. I'm not so interested in the Zen thing, but I certainly am interested in finding ways to meditate upon God's word. I may well do another version of this tile including your Psalm!
Unknown said…
Tarkheena, welcome aboard the Zentangle water ride!!! I love your tile! And I have never seen that tangle Hairy before. Wow, it's awesome!! Fantastic job! :0) Share humanity
Welcome to this community! Your tile is beautiful, I like the tangles you have chosen.
Nice tile. Like the water flowing across the tiles. Nice use of color as well. Glad you decided to take the plunge and post.

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