My Very First Page Kit

Sorry, no new tutorials today: it'll be a while before I am (a) caught up on my own scrapbooking, which I dare not let get too far behind, and (b) have some mental energy left over from kids, cleaning, and life in general.
Instead, I have for you a page kit - my very first - for your scrapbooking pleasure.
It's not a huge one - plenty of papers, but only a small hand-full of elements. Honestly, I don't have the skills for complicated element creation from scratch and I want to make sure everything I use as a building block is licensed properly. So for now we're looking at squares, stars, flowers, and a few scallops!
In any case, please enjoy Blue Skies for free.


Here's a sample page, too. Grace's outfit may give you a clue as to the inspiration of this kit! :)


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