Sippy Cup Leash
Last night at the restaurant I witnessed a small child using an absolutely ingenious device: a little leash that connected his sippy cup to his highchair. As it happened, just days before my little one dropped our favorite cup (the one with his name on it and everything) on the floor one too many times and a handle snapped off. Very sad. I'll glue it (eventually), but it's not going to be able to take too many more encounters with the solid surfaces.
I could have purchased one online, but since I had nothing better to do (HAH!), I decided to make a couple instead. I used materials I had on hand so each was a little different. They're easy as pie, so I'll just toss in a couple of pics and that'll be all you need.

Here's James using his new sippy leash. Isn't he cute? It hangs down far enough he could reach it when crawling around on the floor too, which he also enjoyed.
One cautionary note: You're doing a balancing act here between allowing enough length for your baby to reach his cup but not enough to get himself into trouble. I made mine about 18 inches long. Technically that's enough to go around his neck. Frankly I probably won't be using it in the car where I can't see him, nor allowing it to be loose where he can reach it. I'd hate for him to hurt himself.
You have been cautioned!
18" - 20" of nylon strap / webbing, 1 inch wide
8" - 10" of 1/2 inch wide elastic
Cord lock
metal or plastic spring-loaded clasp (like for a dog leash or)
a couple of inches of strong ribbon or cord
about 2" more of elastic
Or (best)
plastic back-pack buckle, 1 inch wide
Sewing Machine (you could do it by hand, but it wouldn't be much fun)
Here's what you're making
Option 1

Option 2

1. Cut your webbing strap to size, and use the candle to melt the cut ends so they won't fray.
2. If using the plastic slider buckle, thread your webbing through the female piece so it can move up and down the strap freely, then loop it through the male piece. Fold it over about an inch, and sew a strong seam across. I went back and forth 2-3 times and used a zig-zag stitch.
3. If you are using a metal spring-loaded catch, thread it onto the scrap of cord or strong ribbon and fold the ribbon in half. Attach the ribbon or cord to one end of the webbing with a strong seam.
Next you are going to make a "poor man's catch" with the scrap of elastic.
Wrap the bit of elastic around the webbing about 6 inches up. Tie a good knot. The elastic should crimp the webbing, not be loose. You want to be able to adjust the size of the loop. Your metal catch will snap on here.

4. Fold your piece of elastic in half and thread the folded end through your cable lock. Sew a strong seam to attach the elastic to the other end of the nylon webbing.

6. Optional (I didn't do this - yet): Tie a knot or another scrap of elastic around the midpoint of the elastic loop so that the cord lock won't slip off even if yanked to the end.
That's all there is to it!
To use, all you do is slip the elastic loop around your sippy cup or bottle, and adjust the size with the cord lock.

Use the buckle or metal catch to attach the opposite end to a high chair, stroller, or wherever your little one is sitting.
I could have purchased one online, but since I had nothing better to do (HAH!), I decided to make a couple instead. I used materials I had on hand so each was a little different. They're easy as pie, so I'll just toss in a couple of pics and that'll be all you need.
Here's James using his new sippy leash. Isn't he cute? It hangs down far enough he could reach it when crawling around on the floor too, which he also enjoyed.
One cautionary note: You're doing a balancing act here between allowing enough length for your baby to reach his cup but not enough to get himself into trouble. I made mine about 18 inches long. Technically that's enough to go around his neck. Frankly I probably won't be using it in the car where I can't see him, nor allowing it to be loose where he can reach it. I'd hate for him to hurt himself.
You have been cautioned!
Or (best)
Here's what you're making
Option 1
Option 2
1. Cut your webbing strap to size, and use the candle to melt the cut ends so they won't fray.
2. If using the plastic slider buckle, thread your webbing through the female piece so it can move up and down the strap freely, then loop it through the male piece. Fold it over about an inch, and sew a strong seam across. I went back and forth 2-3 times and used a zig-zag stitch.
3. If you are using a metal spring-loaded catch, thread it onto the scrap of cord or strong ribbon and fold the ribbon in half. Attach the ribbon or cord to one end of the webbing with a strong seam.
Next you are going to make a "poor man's catch" with the scrap of elastic.
Wrap the bit of elastic around the webbing about 6 inches up. Tie a good knot. The elastic should crimp the webbing, not be loose. You want to be able to adjust the size of the loop. Your metal catch will snap on here.
4. Fold your piece of elastic in half and thread the folded end through your cable lock. Sew a strong seam to attach the elastic to the other end of the nylon webbing.
6. Optional (I didn't do this - yet): Tie a knot or another scrap of elastic around the midpoint of the elastic loop so that the cord lock won't slip off even if yanked to the end.
That's all there is to it!
To use, all you do is slip the elastic loop around your sippy cup or bottle, and adjust the size with the cord lock.
Use the buckle or metal catch to attach the opposite end to a high chair, stroller, or wherever your little one is sitting.